

The 5-Minute Meeting to Avoid Syndication Burnout

November 09, 20232 min read

The 5-Minute Meeting to Avoid Syndication Burnout

At times you might:

  • Be under the gun to raise enough to close on a deal in a short amount of time. 

  • Have a deal or two that is struggling due to interest rates or operational failures.

  • Have an insurance claim denial or other unexpected expense and have to pay out of reserves.

  • Have any number of things going on in life that create stress. 

Stress can be an everyday part of life in syndication and managing deals. 

I attended a Capital Raising Mastermind recently in NYC and one of my biggest takeaways was a 5-Minute, 5-Step ritual on how to manage your energy in high stress situations. Here is how it works.

Each morning take 5 minutes to journal the following data points:

  1. On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your current energy level? Your goal, however far off you feel, is a consistent state between 9 or 10. 

  2. Ask yourself, why is it not a 10? Be honest and don’t freak out if you aren’t at a 9 or 10. 

  3. List 2-3 ways you can improve on item(s) listed in #2. Action items with deadlines.

  4. List 3-5 things in your life right now or that you’ve done in the last 12 months that are: 

    1. Amazing

    2. Incredible

    3. Outstanding

This can help you re-orient and put you in a mental state of gratitude. It can be something as simple as my family is happy and healthy to I woke up this morning, or grand like I helped put together and close a 30M deal. 

  1. Identify 1 thing you can do right now that if you complete it, it will make everything else easier, or unnecessary (credit Gary Keller). This will help you reach a point of mental clarity and give you a direct course of action to move the needle in whatever you’re trying to do. 

The added benefit of doing this consistently is that you can more easily identify people in your life that are operating at a 9-10 so that you can be strategic with the people you partner with/allow into your life. The truth is people who operate at a 9-10 will push you harder and be better equipped to help you when needed.  

Hope this helps!


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Brandon Wong

Brandon has been investing in real estate since 2010 and has a wide range of experience from managing a nationwide portfolio of non performing 1st and 2nd position liens on residential properties in 22 states to participating in the syndication of two apartment complexes totaling $40M in Value.

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The 5-Minute Meeting to Avoid Syndication Burnout

November 09, 20232 min read

The 5-Minute Meeting to Avoid Syndication Burnout

At times you might:

  • Be under the gun to raise enough to close on a deal in a short amount of time. 

  • Have a deal or two that is struggling due to interest rates or operational failures.

  • Have an insurance claim denial or other unexpected expense and have to pay out of reserves.

  • Have any number of things going on in life that create stress. 

Stress can be an everyday part of life in syndication and managing deals. 

I attended a Capital Raising Mastermind recently in NYC and one of my biggest takeaways was a 5-Minute, 5-Step ritual on how to manage your energy in high stress situations. Here is how it works.

Each morning take 5 minutes to journal the following data points:

  1. On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your current energy level? Your goal, however far off you feel, is a consistent state between 9 or 10. 

  2. Ask yourself, why is it not a 10? Be honest and don’t freak out if you aren’t at a 9 or 10. 

  3. List 2-3 ways you can improve on item(s) listed in #2. Action items with deadlines.

  4. List 3-5 things in your life right now or that you’ve done in the last 12 months that are: 

    1. Amazing

    2. Incredible

    3. Outstanding

This can help you re-orient and put you in a mental state of gratitude. It can be something as simple as my family is happy and healthy to I woke up this morning, or grand like I helped put together and close a 30M deal. 

  1. Identify 1 thing you can do right now that if you complete it, it will make everything else easier, or unnecessary (credit Gary Keller). This will help you reach a point of mental clarity and give you a direct course of action to move the needle in whatever you’re trying to do. 

The added benefit of doing this consistently is that you can more easily identify people in your life that are operating at a 9-10 so that you can be strategic with the people you partner with/allow into your life. The truth is people who operate at a 9-10 will push you harder and be better equipped to help you when needed.  

Hope this helps!


syndicationsyndication burnoutmeeting
blog author image

Brandon Wong

Brandon has been investing in real estate since 2010 and has a wide range of experience from managing a nationwide portfolio of non performing 1st and 2nd position liens on residential properties in 22 states to participating in the syndication of two apartment complexes totaling $40M in Value.

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